Rent a PackTite, we provide PackTite Rentals And PackTite Closet Rental Heating Units. These Bed Bug Heat Treatments Units are a safe way to treat personal items for bedbugs. Let us be your Packtite Rental company you can rely on. Give us a call today 1-844-305-8999.
Packtite Units For Sale Or Rental
What is PackTite?
PackTite is a safe, non-chemical way to treat your personal items for bedbugs.
How Does PackTite Rental Work?
PackTite has patent pending heating technology that gently and thoroughly heats your personal items to a temperature that is proven to kill all stages of bedbugs. Rent a PackTite, we provide PackTite Rentals and PackTite Closet Rentals. These Bed Bug Heat Treatments units are a safe way to treat personal items for bedbugs.
PackTite Rentals Features:
- Easy to assemble and use.
- Portable Heater Kills All Styages of Bed Bugs including eggs
- Eliminates Stowaway Bed Bugs from Your Luggage
- No need to remove luggage (or backpack) contents.
- Safely, gently eliminate bed bugs from your non-washable possessions.
- Temperature sensor ensures proper bed bug killing heat level
- Countdown timer shuts the unit off automatically after the set treatment time.
- PackTite™ can be compacted down for convenient storage.
- Treats most standard suitcases.
- Assembled PackTite™ measures 36L x 19W x 24H inches.
What Can I Treat with PackTite Rentals?
- Luggage (empty or filled) - Linens and Pillows
- Sleeping Bags - Tools / Craft Supplies
- Backpacks and Purse - Clothing and Shoes

How Does PackTite Rental Work?
PackTite has patent pending heating technology that gently and thoroughly heats your personal items to a temperature that is proven to kill all stages of bedbugs. Rent a PackTite, we provide PackTite Rentals and PackTite Closet Rentals. These Bed Bug Heat Treatments are a safe way to treat personal items for bedbugs.
What is PackTite Closet?
PackTite Closet is a safe, non-chemical way to treat your personal items for bedbugs.
PackTite Closet Features:
- Easy to assemble and use.
- Portable Heater Kills All Styages of Bed Bugs including eggs
- Eliminates Stowaway Bed Bugs from Your Luggage
- No need to remove luggage (or backpack) contents.
- Safely, gently eliminate bed bugs from your non-washable possessions.
- Temperature sensor ensures proper bed bug killing heat level
- Countdown timer shuts the unit off automatically after the set treatment time.
- PackTite™ can be compacted down for convenient storage.
- Treats most standard suitcases.
- Assembled PackTite Cloeset™ treats items up to 40 x 36 x 30 inches.
- Powerful air circulation means shorter treatment times
- Comes with internal rack for hanging clothes
- Quick and easy assembly and disassembly
- Larger, faster, and more efficient than regular PackTite unit.
What Can I Treat with PackTite Closet?
- Luggage (empty or filled) - Linens and Pillows
- Sleeping Bags - Tools / Craft Supplies
- Backpacks and Purses - Clothing and Shoes

How Does PackTite Closet Rental Work?
PackTite has patent pending heating technology that gently and thoroughly heats your personal items to a temperature that is proven to kill all stages of bedbugs.
How Do I Use PackTite Closet Rental?
Step 1 - Place your suitcase (or other item to be treated) on the rack inside PackTite Closet™.
Step 2 - Place the thermometer in the center of the treatment load.
Step 3 - Close the zipper and plug it in.
Step 4 - Set the timer for the desired treatment time (varies by type and number of items being treated).
Step 5 - Monitor the temperature to ensure that the contents reach 120 degrees (F) and hold that tempature for 1 hour.
Manuals and Pamphlets:
Contact us now to
rent or purchase one of our PackTite products.
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