We offer Carpet Beetle Treatment for all types of Carpet Bugs and Carpet Beetles. We will identify the source of your Beetle Infestation and create a customized treatment plan to eliminate the Carpet Beetles from your home or business. Give our Beetle Exterminator A Call Today 1-844-305-8999.
Carpet Beetles & Carpet Bugs
Identification of the insect is the first step in elimination. Beetles that invade your home or businesses can reproduce quickly causing extensive damage to food or fabrics depending on the insect's identity.
A trained and NYS Certified Carpet Beetle Exterminator will come to your home and identify the source of the infestation and design a customized treatment plan to eliminate the pest. We offer Beetle Pest Control chemical and non-chemical treatment methods to eliminate beetles. The two Most Common Beetles are the Carpet Beetle and the Cigarette Beetle.

How We Treat Carpet Beetle Infestations (Part 1)
How We Treat Carpet Beetle Infestations (Part 2)
Cigarette Beetle Treatment
Our NYS Certified Cigarette Beetle Exterminator will identify the infested areas and design a treatment plan to eliminate the beetles. Our Cigarette Beetle Exterminator will use a specialized HEPA vacuum to remove any beetles and larva that may be present. Next, we will apply an appropriately labeled insecticide to treat for the beetle and the beetle larva. Additionally, an Insect Growth Regulator will be applied to prevent the insects from reproducing and re-infesting the home.
Carpet beetles can eat a wide variety of material, so the treatment process can be extended into areas that they may find suitable such as closets, dressers, pantries, etc. Our trained professionals will identify these beetle infested areas and treat them accordingly. Call Us Today, Dependable Exterminating 1-844-305-8999.

Cigarette Beetles
Cigarette Beetles will feed on foods and seasonings such as cottonseed meal, pepper, paprika, chili, dried fish, ginger, dates, raisins, pasta, and seeds. They will be a pest to dry flower arrangements, wreathes and papier-mâché. Cigarette Beetles will even feed of pyrethrum; the same active ingredient found in many insect baits and insecticides. These beetles will also do damage to furniture stuffing. All invested food will be destroyed.
We provide indoor and outdoor beetle pest control solutions for all types of beetles. Our Trained Technicians will eliminate your beetle infestation. Our Carpet Beetle Exterminator will use a combination Pheromone Traps & Insecticide Aerosols:
Pheromone Traps: These traps have a sex pheromone to catch and trap male cigarette beetles and carpet beetles. They will also attract male moths.
Use Insecticide Aerosols: This is to be done after cleaning and before placing the foodstuffs back on the shelves. They will help prevent future infestations in the cracks and crevices.