Product | Manufacturer | EPA# | SDS | Label |
221L Residual Insecticide | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-473 | SDS | Label |
565 Plus XLO Contact Insecticide | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-290 | SDS | Label |
ADVANCE 360A Dual Choice Ant Stations | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-496 | SDS | Label |
ADVANCE 388B Ant Gel Bait | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-492 | SDS | Label |
ADVANCE Granular Carpenter Ant Bait | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-370 | SDS | Label |
ADVANCE Compressed Termite Bait II | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-500 | SDS | Label |
Advion Ant Gel | DuPont | 352-746 | SDS | Label |
Advion Cockroach Gel Bait | DuPont | 352-652 | SDS | Label |
Avert Cockroach Gel Bait – Formula 3 | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-410 | SDS | Label |
Bedlam Insecticide | MGK | 1021-1767 | SDS | Label |
Bithor SC | Ensystex IV, Inc. | 83923-2 | SDS | Label |
BORA-CARE | Nisus Corporation | 64405-1 | SDS | Label |
Contrac All Weather Blox | Bell Labs | 12455-79 | SDS | Label |
Contrac Rodenticide, Rat and Mouse Bait | Bell Labs | 12455-69 | SDS | Label |
PT Cy-Kick Pressurized Insecticide | BASF | 499-470 | SDS | Label |
*CY-Kick CS – Controlled Release Cyfluthrin | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-304 | SDS | Label |
*CY-Kick CS–Pressurized Crack and Crevice Residual | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-303 | SDS | Label |
DeltaDust Insecticide | Bayer | 432-772 | SDS | Label |
Demand CS Insecticide | Syngenta | 100-1066 | SDS | Label |
Demon Max Insecticide | Syngenta | 100-1218 | SDS | Label |
Demon WP Insecticide | Syngenta | 100-990 | SDS | Label |
Ditrac Tracking Powder | Bell Labs | 12455-56 | SDS | Label |
Drione Insecticide | Bayer | 432-992 | SDS | Label |
*EcoExempt IC2 Insecticide Concentrate | EcoSmart | Exempt | SDS | Label |
EcoExempt KO Contact Insecticide | EcoSmart | Exempt | SDS | Label |
EcoPCO WP-X Wettable Powder Insecticide | EcoSmart | 67425-25 | SDS | Label |
ExciteR | Preentiss Inc. | 655-798 | SDS | Label |
*FastOut CS Foam Insecticide | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-523 | SDS | Label |
Final All Weather Blox | Bell Labs | 12455-89 | SDS | Label |
Final Soft Bait | Bell Labs | 12455-139 | SDS | Label |
First Strike Soft Bait | Liphatech, Inc. | 7173-258 | SDS | Label |
Generation Mini Blocks | Liphatech, Inc. | 7173-218 | SDS | Label |
Gentrol Aerosol | Wellmark International | 2724-484 | SDS | Label |
Gentrol IGR Concentrate | Wellmark International | 2724-351 | SDS | Label |
*Kicker | Bayer | 432-1145 | SDS | Label |
Maki Paraffin Blocks | Liphatech, Inc. | 7173-189 | SDS | Label |
Maki Paraffinized Pellets | Liphatech, Inc. | 7173-187 | SDS | Label |
Maxforce FC Ant Bait Stations | Bayer | 432-1256 | SDS | Label |
Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait Gel | Bayer | 432-1264 | SDS | Label |
Maxforce Complete Granular Insect Bait | Bayer | 432-1255 | SDS | Label |
Maxforce FC Ant Killer Bait Gel | Bayer | 432-1264 | SDS | Label |
Maxforce FC Magnum Roach Killer Bait Gel | Bayer | 432-1460 | SDS | Label |
Maxforce FC Select Roach Killer Bait Gel | Bayer | 432-1259 | SDS | Label |
Maxforce FC Roach Killer Bait Stations | Bayer | 432-1257 | SDS | Label |
Maxxthor SC | Ensystex IV, Inc. | 81824-5 | SDS | Label |
Mother Earth 2% Py Contact Insecticide | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-520 | SDS | Label |
*Mother Earth D Pest Control Dust | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-509 | SDS | Label |
Mother Earth ProCitra-DL | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-497 | SDS | Label |
Niban Granular Bait | Nisus | 64405-2 | SDS | Label |
Nuvan Prostrips | Amvac Chemical Co | 5481-553 | SDS | Label |
NyGuard IGR Concentrate | MGK | 1021-1603 | SDS | Label |
Onslaught Microencapsulated Insecticide | MGK | 1021-1815 | SDS | Label |
P.I. Contact Insecticide | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-444 | SDS | Label |
Phantom Termiticide and Insecticide | BASF Corp. | 241-392 | SDS | Label |
Phantom Pressurized Insecticide | BASF Corp. | 7969-285 | SDS | Label |
Precor IGR Concentrate | Wellmark International | 2724-352 | SDS | Label |
Premise Foam | Bayer | 432-1391 | SDS | Label |
Steri Fab | Noble Pine Products | 397-13 | SDS | Label |
Suspend SC Insecticide | Bayer | 432-763 | SDS | Label |
Talstar EZ Granular Insecticide | FMC Corp. | 279-3168 | SDS | Label |
Talstar P Professional Insecticide | FMC Corp. | 279-3206 | SDS | Label |
Talstar PL Granular Insecticide | FMC Corp. | 279-3168 | SDS | Label |
Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide | Bayer | 432-1373 | SDS | Label |
Tempo SC Ultra Insecticide | Bayer | 432-1363 | SDS | Label |
Temprid SC Insecticide | Bayer | 432-1483 | SDS | Label |
Termidor NY | BASF Corp. | 7969-210 | SDS | Label |
Terro Ant Killer Liquid Ant Baits | Senoret | 149-8 | SDS | Label |
Timbor Professional Insecticide and Fungicide | Nisus | 64405-8 | SDS | Label |
Transport GHP Insecticide | FMC Corp | 8033-96-279 | SDS | Label |
Transport Mikron Insecticide | FMC Corp. | 8033-109-279 | SDS | Label |
Ultracide Pressurized Flea IGR and Adulticide | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-404 | SDS | Label |
Wasp-Freeze Wasp and Hornet Killer | Whitmire Micro-Gen | 499-362 | SDS | Label |
ZP Tracking Powder | Bell Labs | 12455-16 | SDS | Label |
Intice Perimeter Bait | Rockwell Labs | 73079-6 | SDS | Label |
Brigand SB | PelGar International | 87235-1 | SDS | Label |
Maxforce Fly Spot Bait | Bayer | 432-1455 | SDS | Label |
Trelona Compressed Termite Bait | BASF | 499-557 | SDS | Label |
Casemaking Clothes Moth No Survivor Pheromone Kit With Hanging Diamond Trap | Insects Limited | Exempt | SDS | Label |
Bedlam Plus Insecticide | MGK | 1021-2569 | SDS | Label |
Gentrol Point Source Roach Control Device | Wellmark International | 2724-469 | SDS | Label |
JT EATON NECTUS SOFT BAIT 2G Second Generation Rodenticide | JT EATON | 82744-2-56 | SDS | Label |
Zip-Kicker, Aerosol (PT15, PT50) | Pacer | Exempt | SDS | Label |
Vendetta Plus Cockroach Gel Bait | MGK | 1021-2593 | SDS | Label |
Zoecon Altosid Pro-G Insect Growth Regulator | Wellmark | 2724-451 | SDS | Label |
Avert DF Dry Flowable Cockroach Bait | BASF | 499-294 | SDS | Label |
Contrac Soft Bait | Bell Laboratories | 12455-146 | SDS | Label |